The head office located in Abidjan
The head office on Boulevard de l’Indénié has 20 employees. It is the focal point of the overall management of the Thanry Group. It coordinates the activities of the two industrial sites and the commercial/transit department of San Pédro. It ensures consistency and harmonization of policies and procedures across all its operations. It includes accounting, purchasing, IT, administrative and financial departments.

The classified forests of Goin-débé and Tiapleu
The classified forest of Goin-débé with an area of 133,170 ha. The climatic gradient of the project area is conducive to the development of a dense evergreen humid forest ecosystem (rainfall ranging from 700 mm to 1900 mm).
The classified forest of Tiapleu constitutes about 28,000 ha. The forest has a rugged terrain, with altitudes ranging from 344 to 821 m. In 1933, on the initiative of the Conservator of Water and Forests at the time, who already considered it an extraordinary endemic area, made a request for its classification.

Although these two classified forests show a very advanced level of degradation, there is a floristic diversity in the forest islands composed of species such as: Entandrophragma angolense (TIAMA), E. candolle (KOSIPO), Bombax brevicuspe (KONDROTI), Canarium schweinfurthii (AIELE), Terminalia ivorensis (FRAMIRE), Tieghemella heckelii (MAKORE), Lophira alata (AZOBE), Tarrietia utilis (NIANGON), Copaifera salikounda (ETIMOE), Anthonota fragrans (ADOMONTEU), etc.

The sites of Duékoué and Danané
The Duékoué site is in the region of Guémon. A sawmill, a peeling plant, technical services, truck and machine maintenance service, human resources are centralized. It is the main site, it employs 625 people.
Danané’s site is also located in the western region of Ivory Coast. There is a sawmill that has two sawmill lines, one for white wood and one for red wood. The site also includes a mechanical garage; the latter employs 230 people.

Transit and commercial service in San Pedro
The San Pedro site is responsible for all the export transit processes as well as the international commercial operations.